Shifter Ball Cup


Precision Shifter Ball Cup

1 in stock

SKU: CLU-PSBC Category: Tag:


Background: The Porsche® 928 has two shift linkages beneath the 5-speed shift lever. One goes rearward to the transaxle, and one goes forward to the Shifter Ball Cup. This part is responsible for stabilizing your shift lever, yet allowing enough movement to tip the shifter side-to-side to select gears. It has a nylon liner in it that either wears out or melts and falls out. Any play in this Shifter Ball Cup makes the gears on the 928 a real hunt to find, and prevents performance driving.

Our Precision Shifter Ball Cup is an all-steel replacement that can be adjusted for exactly the amount of drag/stiffness you desire, and it will never wear out. Because you can adjust the drag/clamping force on the ball, this ball cup will provide the most precise shifts possible as there is absolutely no for-and-aft play in the shifter linkage.


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